Learn about bees, honey and pollen



  • Honeybees are part of a surprising effort to help address environmental challenges

  • Scientists know that bees are dying from a variety of factors such as pesticides, drought, habitat destruction, global warming, air pollution, heavy rainfall flooding and storms as typically faced in the UK. 

  • Most flowering plants rely on insects such as bees for pollination.

  • Bees are efficient pollinators because they can move directly from one flower to another, picking up and unintentionally depositing pollen along the way, allowing fertilisation for the flowers to reproduce.

  • The more bees the healthier our planet becomes!

If your interested in starting off beekeeping we have a small beehive starter just for you! - 6 frame nuc's (including queen) is the best starting point! (How we started)
^ if your looking for something bigger we even have 11 frame full bee colonies(including queen)
Contact directly for more information and details if interested :)


  • Unheated, unpasteurised and unprocessed. This is one of the most important health benefits of our honey products as it preserves all the enzymes natural vitamins phytonutrients and other nutritional elements straight from the hives just as bees made it!

  • All our bee products are straight from the hive! Raw honey is natural and with no added sugar. Therefore our honey crystallises over time which is a sign of pureness.

  • Our honey is high in antioxidants and antibacterial qualities - We have had previous clients benefit from use of our products such as honey to help with medical problems such as low iron/blood pressure, asthma, and hayfever.

  • In raw natural honey, 'set' or 'runny' is just about the sugar content. One isn't more natural or 'pure' than the other. They are the exact same however some people prefer the more solid texture of set honey and some prefer the more runny smooth texture.

  • Metal can damage or reduce the healing properties in honey if it were in contact with it for an extended period of time.

  • Most people would suggest not to use a metal spoon as honey has an acidic pH and reacts with metallic surface. This is true as the reaction may damage and reduce the healing properties of honey. It is a big no-no to leave a metal spoon in a jar of honey!


  • If you think bee honey is beneficial, you will be amazed to know what bee pollen is, and the additional properties it has!

  • Pollen is composed of microscopic particles produced by the male flower. Bees harvest them and transport pollen to the hive, and that’s when it is called bee pollen. Pollen is where bees collect protein from nature, and it is essential to develop bee colonies.

  • Bee pollen comes from a variety of plants and has many properties depending on the climatic condition, the source of flowers, and the geographical origin. It is loaded with vitamins and phenolic compounds, and has essential amino acids that provide a higher nutritional value in pollen compared to honey. This is why its more rare/expensive.

  • Pollen is enriched with digestive enzymes contained in the salivary glands of bees. Thus, it has the same properties bee honey has, plus a very high nutritional content derived from essential amino acids.

  • Elevate your health and well-being with our bee pollen! Only a tea spoon of this all-natural bee pollen delivers a powerful punch of antioxidants and nutrients, boosting your immune system and energy levels. Experience the benefits of this big pot of goodness for yourself!

  • This product is perfect for those looking to use such a nutrient-packed superfood. Bee pollen has been shown to contain essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a great addition to a healthy diet. 

  • Get a long lasting taste of the benefits with this large size option. 

  • Each colour granule and shade is from a different type of plant species.

  • Bee pollen has more than 200 different compounds, which include nutrients such 12 vitamins, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes and coenzymes. 

  • Bee pollen has been used for centuries for nutritional and medicinal purposes, and modern science confirms that the sweet-tasting granules contain many health-boosting nutrients.


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